Creator of the spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio Future, Street Soul. Also working on the comic Ordna Awakens.
My favourite YouTuber is AndyWilson92.
I came to this site as the next step in content creation.


Joined on 6/13/22

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ZiyoStreetSoul's News

Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - 1 month ago

Yo Yo Yo Welcome to 2025!!!! Let's kick it live!!

Sorry for yet more long inactivity. I've been working on a pretty big art piece that was intended for the end of 2024 as a sort of sendoff to that big year, and it sucks that it bled into this even bigger year. So really January's been pretty quiet on the Ziyo front, but that's not to say it won't be for long!

I'll be uploading the stuff I didn't upload here in 2024 as well as showing what I've done for 2025 so far. I've also got loads more plans, of course. And this time with the last of those pesky requests dead and done in 2024 and me no longer being used for art, things shall go smoothly.

I'll start the year off simple. I've long wanted to finally give each of the Street Soul cast a reference sheet as well as start to bring that world's story to life, so February will be the start of that!

And to end on an even better note! I'm back in the Warhammer 40k hobby and better than ever!


For a while now I've been 3D printing new minis instead of ever giving Games Workshop a single penny, and while

these first 5 little minis (or reptiles) were instead gotten second-hand online for Christmas alongside some poor, poor badly painted minis that SERIOUSLY need some rescuing, I'm amazed with their paint jobs I blessed them with!

It's amazing how 3D printing has saved such a long-standing hobby and with all the blind rage and hate I've had for Warhammer 40k in 2023 after Games Workshop's bad decisions I think that these creatures are another good step in healing the wounds torn between me and the hobby once and for all!

Already 1 month into 2025, and I can see a lotta needs that need filling!



Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - December 25th, 2024

Yo yo yo yo yo yo Merry Christmas from Ziyo! 2024 has been a real adventure for me, and it's insane that the year is almost over.

In my eyes I wish I had done more Jet Set Radio Future themed art this year since the game does take place in 2024, but let's be real here. I made much much more content that I have enjoyed instead, as well as done so much other stuff!

For starters, I've finished the final of those annoying requests from DeviantArt, as well as having finally left that extinct site due to the horrible way it was going, finally freeing me to draw whatever I wish to instead of being held back by other drawings to do.

I've also drawn quite a few images that I really came to enjoy, such as that one with Kitty Kart in Heaven, as well as having invented some new characters such as Hexa, Kitt, and Squat.

And last but not least, I'm now on Bluesky, so now more people can see my amazing art and more as 2025 comes closer! And I still have loads more to draw before then so expect a lot of new artwork!

Happy New Year, everyone, and I hope to make 2025 even cooler and better!



Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - September 14th, 2024

Hi there again everyone! Just wanted to make a quick announcement on the swing of things today. I figured I'd do it since it's my birthday today at the time of this posting, at least in my timezone, that is.

So, I guess y'all should be giving me a big big happy birthday! I'm kinda nervous today not gonna lie, but I think I'll be pleasantly surprised. I might go do some cycling to celebrate, in fact. Haven't done that in a bit. My plans for September are in full swing, as well, including drawing more of my new girl Hexa and making ref sheets for my other characters so stick around to see the next things that I post here!

But there's been bad news, too. Recently, DeviantArt has gone way too far with their hatred of freedom of speech and basically hit some of my art with a permanent mature tag which I cannot take off, even if the images in question are perfectly fine or not deserving of a mature tag. And I do not want to risk being banned there by simply reuploading the images that got unfairly vandalised.

I mean, I originally intended to use DeviantArt to make normal art, but since I'll be perfectly honest and say I like inflation art here and there it ended up taking over my gallery, especially due to greedy art requesters using me for a while, but still, they had no reason to mark it as mature. No reason at all. In fact, there's WORSE, and even ILLEGAL content on DA that DOESN'T get a mature tag so it's crystal clear that DA (both moderators and toxic users) are jealous and hateful of me, and so they do not deserve me or my art if they cannot be trusted to behave rationally and logically.

And so I have made the executive decision to abandon my DeviantArt account for good. Yes, I'll still use it to browse other people's good art since I have a good few friends who are still stuck to that toxic site, but I will never EVER upload another image there EVER again! I don't even want to continue but just doing regular art there since I don't even trust DeviantArt to keep their fingers to themselves anymore. That site needs to rot and die.

As for something good to finish this post all off on? I'm now on Bluesky under the name of StreetSoulRadio. I will post (mostly) normal art relating to my characters or just funny ideas I come up with. Be warned that I (might) post inflation on Bluesky from time to time, but it will always be as safe for work as possible and I will make 100% sure that my Bluesky is as family-friendly as possible. You all have my word.

On another note, this might just be the first birthday where I barely ask for any Warhammer stuff at all. Ever since we bought a 3D Printer somewhere in late 2023, I have been 3D printing Warhammer models instead of buying them, and I am excited to say that I'm even working on a gaming board for Necromunda games, so on Bluesky everyone can look forward to the fact that I might start showing off my miniatures that I've been painting now that I can cheaply and easily make them without even having to give those traitors at Games Workshop a single penny!

Phew. That was a rather large update, with my birthday, my plans and all. What do you all think of what I've got planned, I'd like to know. I am confident hat the rest of 2024 will ring out with the cries of...



Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - August 31st, 2024

YO YO YO I'M BAAAACK IN THIS BABY!!!! Ziyo is in the house once again!!

So, I can see that everyone is wondering where I've been. Well, truth be told, I was working on a lot of stuff since my last time I uploaded which was around the start of August, but I just kinda got carried away making more and more stuff and it kinda just piled up.

And then me and my family went on this trip to Scotland a few days into August and came back home mid August. And I remember being so nervous for this trip beforehand, especially since my parents announced the trip 5 or so months beforehand, but I really didn't want to announce that publicly since I'm really paranoid about my account security and I just like to keep a close eye on things, which I wouldn't have been able to do while away.

Seriously, I enjoyed almost every bit of that trip to Scotland, the trains we took to get there, the places we visited, the heights of Edinburgh, and I even did a few bits of drawing here and there with my tablet and laptop at the historical place we stayed, even though the set up was really uncomfortable for me so I didn't do too much of it.

And I even took my DS with me to revisit Diddy Kong Racing DS, a really great game from my childhood and wow did I not regret it! That late 2000s nostalgia really hit me right in my emotions and I kinda wanna get to drawing some Diddy Kong Racing stuff soon, and it even inspired me to make a stylish new Street Soul character too!

It now feels like ages since that trip, even though it is still August. And I used the rest of this month to make as much stuff as I can. Now it's the end of the month I'm gonna upload everything that I did this month and I'll start to hopefully get more back into the swing of things again. I gotta say, August has been one real big trip!

And one last note on that topic. August 8th was the 1st year anniversary of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk's release. So happy birthday, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk! And I'll make a sort of review of the game since I've been hoping to make one since the end of 2023 (Even if Street Soul will be miles better!)

I feel really guilty about not uploading or coming back sooner, but in all honesty uploading can be a bit of a tedious process for me. I just want everyone to know: I am NOT dead or anything. I'll always be active and you can rest knowing that I will always do my best.

Just like we do here at Street Soul RADIOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - July 31st, 2024

Well, July sure came and went reaaal quick now, didn't it?

In fact, I've had soooo much other ideas for Jayjay that I simply don't have time to draw on the last day of July alone, so I've decided I'll extend Jayjay July up to the 4th of August so I can draw more of her! After all, it makes sense that a party wolf like Jayjay would be all in for an after party. Besides, we haven't seen enough of Jayjay's alter ego, Tanxton!

Sorry if I just haven't been seeming as active on Newgrounds as I should be, but really I just had so much to do this month and I did get sidetracked by other things too, but that's why Jayjay July will be going up until August 4th. Let's have fun!


Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - July 14th, 2024

Happy July everyone! I'll get to the point real quick. If you want to know what was keeping me so long from uploading anything new, it was due to my computer suffering some serious incompetence. I couldn't even access Newgrounds, and eventually even other sites! Needless to say, it was incredibly stressful yet eventually I managed to fix it completely. Apparently my Mum had accidentally turned on this option on Sky TV that basically acted as a filter, though more like a virus if you ask me! And we were able to turn it off for good. However, it's still scary how Sky even provides an option for what amounts to an internet blocker. I mean, they're supposed to be a TV company, not a filter provider!

Now that that's out of the way, I wanted to say Happy Jayjay July to everyone!

And what is Jayjay July, you ask? Well, it's a when I draw as much content related to Jayjay, an amazing party-loving wolf who was thrown away like trash by Vivziepop for no reason! And since last July my friend ColtKlutsy had inspired me to draw something about her which I enjoyed so so much that I ended up drawing even more of her that month, I decided that every July from this point onward should be called Jayjay July and dedicated almost entirely to this amazing character who did not deserve to be forgotten by Vivziepop, who's more traitor than creator.

Say, I might even have some story to add to her as well. So as always, be sure to tune in to...

Street. Soul. RADIOOOOOOOO!!!!


Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - January 29th, 2024

Recently it's been brought to my attention by a few friends of mine that a new game called Palworld has been getting some really unfair heat for being a little too similar to Pokemon. And while the devs are said to be supportive of using AI generated bits and pieces as well as NFT cryptocurrency dumbness, that does not at all justify the massive amount of hate the game is getting.

I mean, we've already seen truckloads of monster befriending games already: Digimon, YuGiOh, Bakugan, even Yokai Watch. What matters is that they all strive to be unique. For example, Digimon takes place in another dimension and the 'mons are actual people who can speak and stuff, if that makes sense. I've heard that Pokemon isn't even the first monster befriending game to begin with. What makes Palworld any different?

I mean, just because it's another good stone on the path of the monster befriending genre of games doesn't mean you should just single it out and hate it for looking too similar to Pokemon. Don't ruin the fun for others like real low-lifes like Rian Johnson and Brie Larson and whichever killjoys thought the Primaris Space Marines were ever a good idea.

I sure hope everyone who's playing it is enjoying the game thoroughly and finds something they can enjoy in it. As for me, I'll be biding my time drawing me and my characters, not least of them being Ordna, and just having a jolly good time.

Next month is gonna have some Street Soul Radio glory for everyone! Stay tuned yo!



Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - January 21st, 2024

Looks like Newgrounds just added this extra new 'security feature' when logging onto your account. Now you have to put some extra six-digit passcode in that comes into your email from now on.

And I thought that weirdo called ZUN (Creator of the Touhou series, an infamous rage game that makes the strong woman archetype look really, really bad) was the only person who thrived on other peoples' rage around here.

I really do hope they remove that crap if it is new because it's already enough trying to remember your password to Newgrounds but to have to remember your password for your own email site so you can log on with an always changing code is a whole other thing.



Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - January 11th, 2024

Yo yo yo 2024 just dropped 10 days or so ago let's go! STREET SOUL RADIOOOOOO!


Sorry for not uploading more absolutely chad pieces right at the beginning of this year. Yours truly Ziyo had some stuff to draw for someone on Discord. Seems like the greedy never learn, do they?

Either way, with 2024 being the year that Jet Set Radio Future takes place in, I've got something of a roadmap for this year! Starting with using January to finish ALL the remaining requests that I have yet to finish from 2022 and from the users who are still able to ask for one. And with that outta the way, I plan to use the rest of 2024 to start work on Ordna Awakens, and finish this thing like I should!

Other things you can watch out for in 2024 include: More Street Soul content, including more lore and new updated character references, 3d animations on Odysee or maybe even another video platform, me going All City King with my sticker graffiti, me finishing up my FA archiving and possibly getting a Weasyl account and maybe, just maybe, I start work on the Street Soul game itself!

I'm not gonna say that all of that will happen this year, but it's still super exciting what's gonna go down on the year of Jet Set Radio Futuuuuuuuure!

Stay funky y'all, not only do you wanna be tuning in to Street Soul Radio, but also Jet Set Radio Futuuuuuuure!


Posted by ZiyoStreetSoul - December 25th, 2023

Yo yo yo yo it's Christmas time!!!! 2023's not over though, and Ziyo still got a load of end of year stuff to draw so things are gonna be real hectic for him. But when 2024 is on us, then we're gonna see a whole load more content from me now that the infamous Request Rush that Ziyo fell victim to in 2021 and 2022 is starting to be buried for good and the remaining stuff he has to draw being finished. We'll definitely see Ordna Awakens being uploaded finally after such a long wait, alongside some other more secret plans...


Ziyo's also been making a whole army of sticker graffiti designs in his spare time as well. Maybe just maybe we'll see the beginnings of Street Soul's development in 2024? I mean, c'mon! 2024 is the year that Jet Set Radio Future takes place in and Street Soul is a spritual successor to that almighty game. He's got to try something new out next year at least!

And remember to stay tuned in to STREET SOUL RADIOOOOOOOO for more crazy content!
