Yo yo yo 2024 just dropped 10 days or so ago let's go! STREET SOUL RADIOOOOOO!
Sorry for not uploading more absolutely chad pieces right at the beginning of this year. Yours truly Ziyo had some stuff to draw for someone on Discord. Seems like the greedy never learn, do they?
Either way, with 2024 being the year that Jet Set Radio Future takes place in, I've got something of a roadmap for this year! Starting with using January to finish ALL the remaining requests that I have yet to finish from 2022 and from the users who are still able to ask for one. And with that outta the way, I plan to use the rest of 2024 to start work on Ordna Awakens, and finish this thing like I should!
Other things you can watch out for in 2024 include: More Street Soul content, including more lore and new updated character references, 3d animations on Odysee or maybe even another video platform, me going All City King with my sticker graffiti, me finishing up my FA archiving and possibly getting a Weasyl account and maybe, just maybe, I start work on the Street Soul game itself!
I'm not gonna say that all of that will happen this year, but it's still super exciting what's gonna go down on the year of Jet Set Radio Futuuuuuuuure!
Stay funky y'all, not only do you wanna be tuning in to Street Soul Radio, but also Jet Set Radio Futuuuuuuure!