Ok, I'm not sure whether "live action" art like this is allowed on Newgrounds as an actual art piece, but to be honest, I actually like the idea of a mixed media image. Plus, this pic actually means a bit to me since it represents a milestone for me. So I decided to make my first blog article since that's what it seemed photos like this belonged under.
You see, I sometimes go cycling on my own and doing some sticker slapping (Livin' the Bomb Rush Cyberfunk life baby!) on lamp posts and metal surfaces and stuff, and the reason I took this image was because I was finally able to cycle up to the supermarket, which was quite the journey, or at least it was back then. I created this on September 17th 2023 and finished it on the 19th of the same month of the same year.
I dunno whether I'll make anything else like this where I blend real lifey stuff with cel-shaded goodness, but I think Trainhead's looking enthusiastic as always to be going about places!