Creator of the spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio Future, Street Soul. Also working on the comic Ordna Awakens.
My favourite YouTuber is AndyWilson92.
I came to this site as the next step in content creation.


Joined on 6/13/22

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Hi there again everyone! Just wanted to make a quick announcement on the swing of things today. I figured I'd do it since it's my birthday today at the time of this posting, at least in my timezone, that is.

So, I guess y'all should be giving me a big big happy birthday! I'm kinda nervous today not gonna lie, but I think I'll be pleasantly surprised. I might go do some cycling to celebrate, in fact. Haven't done that in a bit. My plans for September are in full swing, as well, including drawing more of my new girl Hexa and making ref sheets for my other characters so stick around to see the next things that I post here!

But there's been bad news, too. Recently, DeviantArt has gone way too far with their hatred of freedom of speech and basically hit some of my art with a permanent mature tag which I cannot take off, even if the images in question are perfectly fine or not deserving of a mature tag. And I do not want to risk being banned there by simply reuploading the images that got unfairly vandalised.

I mean, I originally intended to use DeviantArt to make normal art, but since I'll be perfectly honest and say I like inflation art here and there it ended up taking over my gallery, especially due to greedy art requesters using me for a while, but still, they had no reason to mark it as mature. No reason at all. In fact, there's WORSE, and even ILLEGAL content on DA that DOESN'T get a mature tag so it's crystal clear that DA (both moderators and toxic users) are jealous and hateful of me, and so they do not deserve me or my art if they cannot be trusted to behave rationally and logically.

And so I have made the executive decision to abandon my DeviantArt account for good. Yes, I'll still use it to browse other people's good art since I have a good few friends who are still stuck to that toxic site, but I will never EVER upload another image there EVER again! I don't even want to continue but just doing regular art there since I don't even trust DeviantArt to keep their fingers to themselves anymore. That site needs to rot and die.

As for something good to finish this post all off on? I'm now on Bluesky under the name of StreetSoulRadio. I will post (mostly) normal art relating to my characters or just funny ideas I come up with. Be warned that I (might) post inflation on Bluesky from time to time, but it will always be as safe for work as possible and I will make 100% sure that my Bluesky is as family-friendly as possible. You all have my word.

On another note, this might just be the first birthday where I barely ask for any Warhammer stuff at all. Ever since we bought a 3D Printer somewhere in late 2023, I have been 3D printing Warhammer models instead of buying them, and I am excited to say that I'm even working on a gaming board for Necromunda games, so on Bluesky everyone can look forward to the fact that I might start showing off my miniatures that I've been painting now that I can cheaply and easily make them without even having to give those traitors at Games Workshop a single penny!

Phew. That was a rather large update, with my birthday, my plans and all. What do you all think of what I've got planned, I'd like to know. I am confident hat the rest of 2024 will ring out with the cries of...


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